Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Uttrakhand water poetry

These flowing waterfall 
The Cold Cold Water 
The cold cold air 
Hwaye of mountains 
So cute Uttarakhand 
And every story

Uttarakhand Hills poetry

हरा हरा पहाड़ हरा हरा साग   
बहुत अछा तुम्हारा ये  मिज़ाज़
अजा मेरी सोडडया 
नही लगेगा तुम्हे ब्याज   

Uttarakhand Gods


                                      Uttarakhand has a name 
                                     Here is the job of farming 
                                     Strictly speaking my heart 
                                     I is the abode of Dewato

Garhwali Poetry

 High-high in the mountains,
These are just doers heart, 
Where such beauty, 
Where God is the doer habitat.

Garhwali Love Shayari


                                               Bhandi Dino Badi Ki

                           Mithe Khud Teri Lagi Cha

                           Tu Kakh Hweli Kan Hweli

                            Mera Dil Maa Teri Fikar Cha

Garhwali shayari

Bahar aali te phool khilla,

zindagi raali te fer milla, 

supinyu ma kya mahal banaun dagdyo,

jon aj na t bhol tuti jan, pardeshiyo ma kya maya lagon dagdyo,

 jon aj na t bhol chodik chali jan..!!!!

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Uttarakhand Hari Bhari Dandi Shayari


                           Barsata Ku Haan Mousam Aai

                           Hari Hari Dandiyun Ma Ghaas Ugi Gyai

                           Dekhi Dekhi In Dandiyun Ki Ronak

                           Dil Yu Meru Khush Huye Gyai

Panch Prayag

In India, religiously inclined people do not regard rivers as just any other water bodies.These are the points where the five rivers, namely, Bhagirathi, Dhauli Ganga, Mandakini Nandakini and Pindar merge with the Alaknanda River.

Panch Prayag

  1. Dev Prayag (94 km from Haridwar)
  2.  Vishnu Prayag (12 km from Joshimath) 
  3. Nand Prayag (21 km from Rudra Prayag) 
  4. Karna Prayag (33 km from Rudra Prayag) 
  5. Rudra Prayag (32 kms from Karna Prayag)

Tehri Garhwal

A serene and quiet hill district, situated at the meeting point of Bhagirathi and Bhilangana Rivers, Tehri Garhwal is an incredible tourist destination.Dotted with several buildings of historical import and a sizeable number of shrines and temples, Tehri also boasts of a rich cultural background.

About disposal method

गांव के निपटान पद्धति अपने आप में अद्वितीय है. एक गांव तक पहुंचने के लिए पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों के उतार चढ़ाव का सामना करना पड़ता है. गांव के चार स्तरों में विभाजित किया गया था. लोअर सबसे, कंक्रीट रोड, मध्य स्तर और नैनीताल राजमार्ग.वहाँ की मुख्य सड़क के स्तर पर सबसे ऊपरी स्तर या दोनों पक्ष 'देवी मां', 'शिवजी' का एक आम मंदिर है, और गांव में 'हनुमान जी' . Bhaluti के ग्रामीणों आसपास के गांवों के साथ आम प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र, डाकघर, सरकारी हाई स्कूल और गवर्नमेंट इंटर कॉलेज का हिस्सा. प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र दो किलोमीटर दूर एक ही gramsabha के एक और गांव अर्थात् 'Gaaja' में स्थित है.

Mountains about the place

Pahaṛi kṣetrom mem viseṣa rupa se jangala prakr̥tika sansadhanom se samr̥d'dha hoti haim. Ghane jangala pure gānva ko śamila kiya gaya ke rupa mem yaha eka vana kṣetra hai ke rupa meṁ yadi praveśa dvara para ganva chapa deta hai. Ina jangaloṁ paramparika auṣadhiya paudhoṁ aura fuelwood ki samr̥d'dha srota haiṁ. Grama svasthya karyakarta ke anusara, pasa ke jangala ayurveda mem istēmala kiya auṣadhiya paudhoṁ ki lagabhaga sabhi prakara meṁ samr̥d'dha hai. Isake alavā, Uteesh, pā'ina, Buransh, Hisalu, kilmoda, Kafal, bansa, Ghingaru ina jangaloṁ meṁ amataura para pa'ē jane vale peṛa bhī haiṁ. Sthāniya bhāṣā mēṁ' Maalu' kē rūpa mēṁ jānā ēka iseṣa peṛa adhimanataḥ gramiṇom dvara fuelwood ke rupa meṁ istemala kiya gaya tha. Yaha adhika se adhika baraha ghaṇṭe ke li'e jalata hai aura kama dhu'aṁ paida kyoṅki yaha istemala kiyā gaya tha.


भौगोलिक दृष्टि से, गांव जिला नैनीताल के उत्तर दक्षिण सीमा पर स्थित है. Jeolikote की मुख्य सड़क से फैलने वाला एक ठोस पथ गांव के प्रवेश द्वार बना देता है. जिला नैनीताल के कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र भीमताल ब्लाक के Jeolikote में स्थित है; यह गांव Bhaluti के रास्ते पर है. "Bhaluti-Gaad" (Gaad स्थानीय भाषा में छोटी सी नदी है) नामक छोटी नदी, गांव के पूर्वी सीमा पर बहती है. नदी का पानी जानवरों और सिंचाई के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है. एक ठोस पुल गांव के अगले स्तर के लिए प्रवेश करने के लिए कुछ साल पहले 'Gaad' पर किया गया है. गांव में सभी चार दिशाओं से देवी देवताओं द्वारा संरक्षित है (लोकप्रिय इनमें सबसे ज्ञानी व्यक्ति होना चाहिए रहे हैं, जो ग्रामीणों द्वारा 'मास्टर जी' के रूप में जाना जाता है) 

Uttarakhand about food

Ucca ya mukhya himalaya parvatamala mem rahane vale loga isa ahara śasana ke haim. Unake ahara mansa ādharita hai. Sardiyom ke mausama ke li'e mansa ke sanrakṣaṇa ke li'e, yaha choṭe ṭukaṛ]om meṁmkaṭa aura dhupa mem sukhane ke li'e chora diya hai. Śaraba bhi baari matra mem ina logoṁ dvara sevana kiya jata hai. Ve jau aura mandua jaise mote anaja khate haim. Amira logoṁ ko gehum, cavala aura daloṁ ki kharia karane mem saksama haiṁ.

About Garhwal clothes

Kapaṛa jati ko sam'mana aura dharma ke satha vyapaka rupa se bhinna nahiṁ hai. Vē karaṇa uparokta karakoṁ ke sanyojana ke li'e vikasita kiya hai. Mahila'oṁ ke li'e kapare ke khetoṁ mam kama karane ke li'e anukula haim. Ina jangalom ke madhyama se calate samaya ve jhaṛiyom mem ulajha ga'e nahiṁ hai ki eka taraha se pahane jate haiṁ. Halani, arthika sthiti se logom ko posaka para asara karata hai. Deharaduna, rsikesa aura srinagara jaise saharom aura kasbom mem, kapare ki vajaha se pascimi sanskr̥ti ke prabava ko badala diya hai. Maidani ilakom se lautane jo puruṣa isa acchi taraha se silavaya kapaṛe pahanane ki parampara lana.

About the function of Uttarakhand

Mele aura utsava eka dusare se milane ke li'e avasara haim. Sanncara aura parivahana ki ko'i aisi suvidha'om vahamm the jaba pracina samaya mem, ina melom aura tyauharom ke ristedarom ke satha samajika melajola aura baiṭhaka meṁ eka mahatvapurna bhumika nibha'i hai, dostoṁ ke dura dura bhaugolika sthanom mem rahate the. Satha meṁ manoranjana ke satha, ina ina ghaṭana'oṁ ke piche dharmika mahatva aura samajika sandesom ko yada karane ke li'e samajika mahatva hai. Ksetra ke tyoharoṁ mem se adhikansa nimna mele aura tyohara' holi' , ' dipavali' , ' sivaratri' , ' Vijayadhasmi' , ' rakṣabandhana' ke satha pauranika parampara'oṁ para adharita haim hindu parampara'om ke anusara purṇa khusiyom ke satha ayojita kara rahe haiṁ

About Uttarakhand dancing

Mahabharata ki kahani se sambandhita hai jo pandava nr̥tya, viseṣa rupa se gaṛhavala ksetra mem bahuta lokapriya ho gaya hai. Pandava nrtya nrtya aura sangita ke rupa mam mahabharata ki kahani ka eka sarala varṇana hai, lekina kucha bhi nahim hai. Yaha jyadatara' dasahara' aura divali ke avasara para adhiniyamita hai. Pandva nr̥tya camoli jile aura pauri garhavala mem lokapriya hai.

Uk Music

इस क्षेत्र के लोक संगीत को आम तौर पर लोक नृत्य की गतिशील शैली में परिलक्षित होता है जो लयबद्ध है. 'Sansakaras' और मौसम से संबंधित गाने मधुर हैं लेकिन वे संगीत वाद्ययंत्र की ताल पर खेला जाता है के रूप में बाकी संगीतमय हैं. इस क्षेत्र की पारंपरिक लोक संगीत वाद्ययंत्र 'ढोल और Damoun', 'दौर और थाली' हैं, 'TURRI', 'Ransingha', 'Dholki', 'Masakbhaja', 'Bhankora' आदि आजकल, हारमोनियम और तबला भी कर रहे हैं का उपयोग करें. पारंपरिक instrumentalists 'Auji', 'Badhi', 'Bajgi' इस क्षेत्र के लोक संगीत में एक महान योगदान दिया है. 'ढोल और Damoun' 'Auji' द्वारा एक साथ खेले हैं. इन क्षेत्र के मुख्य लोक संगीत वाद्य हैं और इस अवसर के अधिकांश पर खेले जाते हैं. ये ढोल-सागर ', एक प्राचीन' शंकर Vedanth 'या' स्वर-सागर प्रत्येक अवसर के लिए ढोल 'लय' युक्त '' की 'ग्रंथ के आधार पर खेला जाता है. "दौर और थाली" 'jagar' गीतों और नृत्य के साथ "Ghandiyala" के अवसर पर खेला जाता है. "TURRI" और "Ransingha" युद्ध के साधन हैं.

Garhwal Hitory

गढ़वाल के इतिहास रामायण और महाराष्ट्र भरत की तुलना में बड़ी है. यह भगवान शिव उर्वशी, शकुंतला और कौरवों और पांडवों की, कीरत के रूप में प्रदर्शित होने की तरह है कि लोकप्रिय मिथकों का देश है. भगवान शिव की पूजा इस क्षेत्र में पूर्व प्रमुख है. जल्द से जल्द समय में, गढ़वाल Kedarkhand, या केदारनाथ के क्षेत्र के रूप में जाना जाता था. लिखित ग्रंथों ऐसे Sakas, नागा, Khasas, हूणों और Kiratas के रूप में, क्षेत्र में आबादी कि जनजातियों के एक नंबर का उल्लेख है.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Dhari Devi

Power of Energy, Shakti

The guardian deity of the Uttarakhand region is Dhari Devi, a goddess, whose idols stood near the village Dhari, named after Her. This temple stood on the banks of the Alakananda in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand.

This Dhari Devi temple was not some new temple that had come up in the last 50 to 100 years. It was a Shakti Sthal, one among the 108 Shakti Peeth, a seat of Shakti,  which means it has been there and venerated continuously by the majority people of the land for more than a couple of millennia. Shakti Sthal are places where the Shakti Tattva, subtle energies are considered to be manifest.


The picturesque district of Almora is located in the beautiful region of Kumaun. Lying towards the Eastern side of Uttrakhand.
The beautiful city is also very popular as the town of temples. It features a most revered shrine of Goddess Nanda Devi in the middle of the district.Nanda Devi fair is the main attraction for the people; this dome is believed to be of 1000 years old.


Sunday, 17 August 2014

Auli-Hill Station in Uttarakhand

Auli Hill Station Uttarakhand of tourist city

uli hill station is located at an   30.32°N 79.36°E in the Joshimath District. The weather of Auli in separate months are as stated. January is very cold and temperature ranges from -4 to 7°C. Good for winter sports. February is good for winter travels. In march the atmosphere becomes warm and temperature is in the range of 4 to 14°C. During, April and may, temperature ranges from 8 to 18°C. In June and July the temperature ranges from 7 to 20°C. In June nature looks very attractive, however in July one can witness some showers - See more at:
uli hill station is located at an   30.32°N 79.36°E in the Joshimath District. The weather of Auli in separate months are as stated. January is very cold and temperature ranges from -4 to 7°C. Good for winter sports. February is good for winter travels. In march the atmosphere becomes warm and temperature is in the range of 4 to 14°C. During, April and may, temperature ranges from 8 to 18°C. In June and July the temperature ranges from 7 to 20°C. In June nature looks very attractive, however in July one can witness some showers - See more at:
Auli hill station is located at an   30.32°N 79.36°E in the Joshimath District. The weather of Auli in separate months are as stated. January is very cold and temperature ranges from -4 to 7°C. Good for winter sports. February is good for winter travels. In march the atmosphere becomes warm and temperature is in the range of 4 to 14°C. During, April and may, temperature ranges from 8 to 18°C. In June and July the temperature ranges from 7 to 20°C. In June nature looks very attractive, however in July one can witness some showers. - See more at:
Auli hill station is located at an   30.32°N 79.36°E in the Joshimath District. The weather of Auli in separate months are as stated. January is very cold and temperature ranges from -4 to 7°C. Good for winter sports. February is good for winter travels. In march the atmosphere becomes warm and temperature is in the range of 4 to 14°C. During, April and may, temperature ranges from 8 to 18°C. In June and July the temperature ranges from 7 to 20°C. In June nature looks very attractive, however in July one can witness some showers. - See more at:
Auli hill station is located at an   30.32°N 79.36°E in the Joshimath District. The weather of Auli in separate months are as stated. January is very cold and temperature ranges from -4 to 7°C. Good for winter sports. February is good for winter travels. In march the atmosphere becomes warm and temperature is in the range of 4 to 14°C. During, April and may, temperature ranges from 8 to 18°C. In June and July the temperature ranges from 7 to 20°C. In June nature looks very attractive, however in July one can witness some showers. - See more at:
Auli hill station is located at an   30.32°N 79.36°E in the Joshimath District. The weather of Auli in separate months are as stated. January is very cold and temperature ranges from -4 to 7°C. Good for winter sports. February is good for winter travels. In march the atmosphere becomes warm and temperature is in the range of 4 to 14°C. During, April and may, temperature ranges from 8 to 18°C. In June and July the temperature ranges from 7 to 20°C. In June nature looks very attractive, however in July one can witness some showers. - See more at:
Auli hill station is located at an   30.32°N 79.36°E in the Joshimath District. The weather of Auli in separate months are as stated. January is very cold and temperature ranges from -4 to 7°C. Good for winter sports. February is good for winter travels. In march the atmosphere becomes warm and temperature is in the range of 4 to 14°C. During, April and may, temperature ranges from 8 to 18°C. In June and July the temperature ranges from 7 to 20°C. In June nature looks very attractive, however in July one can witness some showers. - See more at:
Auli hill station is located at an   30.32°N 79.36°E in the Joshimath District. The weather of Auli in separate months are as stated. January is very cold and temperature ranges from -4 to 7°C. Good for winter sports. February is good for winter travels. In march the atmosphere becomes warm and temperature is in the range of 4 to 14°C. During, April and may, temperature ranges from 8 to 18°C. In June and July the temperature ranges from 7 to 20°C. In June nature looks very attractive, however in July one can witness some showers. - See more at:
Auli hill station is located at an   30.32°N 79.36°E in the Joshimath District. The weather of Auli in separate months are as stated. January is very cold and temperature ranges from -4 to 7°C. Good for winter sports. February is good for winter travels. In march the atmosphere becomes warm and temperature is in the range of 4 to 14°C. During, April and may, temperature ranges from 8 to 18°C. In June and July the temperature ranges from 7 to 20°C. In June nature looks very attractive, however in July one can witness some showers. - See more at:
Auli hill station is located at an   30.32°N 79.36°E in the Joshimath District. The weather of Auli in separate months are as stated. January is very cold and temperature ranges from -4 to 7°C. Good for winter sports. February is good for winter travels. In march the atmosphere becomes warm and temperature is in the range of 4 to 14°C. During, April and may, temperature ranges from 8 to 18°C. In June and July the temperature ranges from 7 to 20°C. In June nature looks very attractive, however in July one can witness some showers. - See more at:

Har Ki Pauri,Haridwar

Har Ki Pauri is the major landmark of the city of Haridwar. Har Ki Pauri is the major landmark of the city of Haridwar.  Har ki pauri is the area where several pilgrims converge and the festivities commence during the Kumbha mela.
Har Ki Pauri ghat witnesses several pilgrims taking a dip in water of the Ganges.

Madmaheshwar Temple,uk

Madmaheshwar, also known as Madhyamaheshwar, is a temple situated in the Mansuna village of Uk. In this temple, the middle part or the belly portion of the bull is worshipped which is believed to be a divine form of Lord Shiva.

Bhairav Temple

Uttarkashi is situated on the banks of Ganga river.

Uttarkashi Temple

There are several temples in Uttarkashi. Most of the temples in Uttarkashi are dedicated to Lord Shiva.


Jyotirmath is a city and a municipal board in Chamoli District in the Indian state of Uttarakhand.The other three mathas are located at Sringeri, Puri and Dwaraka. The current head or Shankaracharya is Svarupananda Sarasvati who is also head of the Dwaraka matha.

Mansa Devi

 Mansa Devi Temple is located on top of the Bilwa Parvat on the Shivalik Hills.Mansa Devi Temple is a Siddh Peetha.

Mansa Devi Temple, Uttarakhand

Surkanda Devi Temple

Surkanda Devi Temple, UttarakhandSurkanda Devi Temple is one of the popular Hindu pilgrimages of India located near a small resort hamlet of Tehri Garhwal District and Dhanaulti, in the state of Uttarakhand. It is perched at an altitude of 9500 feet or 2,757 meters and lie near a hill station of Chamba (22 km) and Dhanaulti (8 km). The temple is beautifully surrounded by thick forest covers and it affords a scenic view of the entire surrounding areas which includes the Himalaya Mountains to the north, and certain other cities like Dehradun and Rishikesh to the south.

Kedarnath Temple

Kedarnath Temple, Uttarakhand

 Kedarnath is one of the holiest pilgrimage centers for the Hindus. Kedarnath Temple Jyotirlinga is located in the picturesque surroundings of Rudra Himalaya Range in Uttar Kashi district of the northern state of Uttarankhand. It is positioned close to the Indo-Chinese border and is the source of the Mandakini River. The place remains extremely cold during the winters.


Winter has faded. Shortly, Badrinath, Gangotri, Kedarnath and Yamnotri temples (Uttarakhand,India) will welcome pilgrims again. The pilgrimage to all four shrines in the lap of the Himalaya requires courage and physical stamina because buses and helicopters do not drop you at the shrine. You have to walk / ride ponies for some distance before you reach the shrine. 
If you are rich, you may charter a helicopter for your family and friends. However, sudden height gain is not good for people, especially who have passive lifestyle. So take care. Today, we have compiled a short list of helicopter companies serving the pilgrimage route in Uttarakhand.


Mussoorie with its green hills and varied Flora and Fauna, is a fascinating hill resort. Commanding a wonderful view of extensive Himalaya snow ranges to the northeast, and glittering views of the Doon Valley, Roorki, Saharabpur and Haridwar to the south, the town presents a fairy land atmosphere to the tourists.


 Ghuttu is famous for being the gateway for Khatling glacier, Panwali Kantha, Sahashtra Tal and Masar Tal.


Temples of Narsingh Dev and Nav Durga is located here. Of special scenic interest are orchards of apple, apricots, lemons and maltas spread all over. Badrinath is just 44 km. from here. Joshimath is also Gatway of Badrinath.


The temple at an altitude of 3289m is located on the slope of a ridge 29 kms northeast of Guptkashi. The trek starts from Uniana. The temple here contains a superb Har-Gouri statue. The trek further takes one to Ransi, which has a very old temple, low and built of stones entirely.

Rafting in laxman jhula

Kaudiala is just 37 km. from Rishikesh. GMVN has provides essential rafting facilities at Kaudiala (389 mts.). Located on the Rishikesh - Badrinath road. Kaudiala is surrounded by dense forests. For river rafting enthusiasts, Kaudiala is Rafters camp. GMVN conducts river rafting courses here. They provide rafts, equipment and river side camping items. Rock climbing can also be organised here.

Dharamshala rishikesh of laxman jhula

 Rishikesh is the suggested place for starting their trekking expeditions to the Himalayan peaks and for rafting. Also, International Yoga Week which attracts participation from across the world, is held here, every year, in February on the bank of the Ganga.


Nainital, located in the Kumaon division of Uttarakhand, is well-known for its green hills and also numerous lakes, because of which, it has earned the epithet of 'Lake District' of India. Hundreds of ancient temples and peaks with amazing views of the mountains in the backdrop add to Nainital's charm


This is the most important site in Badrinath, dedicated to Lord Vishnu (also referred to as Badrinarayan).Sadly, I had to abide by temple rules and therefore I have no photos of the inside to show you all. Luckily, the temple follows one good rule while performing the puja, which is of letting in only one group of people at a time inside the main temple.


This is the first landmark town that falls on the way to Badrinath, on the Rishikesh-Badrinath highway. This place holds great religious importance for the Hindus,  because the river Ganga takes it real form from here. It is the last confluence of the Alaknanda river and from this point, the confluence of the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers is known as the Ganga. You will easily find a spot on the highway, where you can get off and have a clear view of the confluence.

Saraswati dham

This is the place where the river Saraswati originates from a mountain in the Mana village. Legend has it that many sages, Lord Krishna and the Pandavas have meditated on the banks of this river. Before appearing at Mana, the river Saraswati is known to be flowing through Tibet as the Mansarovar Lake. At Mana, the holy river gushes out in full force through a gap formed by a few rocks in the mountain. Due to the speed and volume of the frosty water it appears to be as white as milk! The river flows down to the bottom of the village and then disappears, only to appear again in Allahabad at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati rivers.

meri galyani